How Can Lifestyle Careers Help Me As A Employer?

How Can Lifestyle Careers Help Me As A Employer?

Employer Benefits of Flexible Working
Flexible working in Australia and New Zealand is becoming widely accepted and a hot topic. In business today, flexible working isn't an option - it&...
Sat, 21 Feb, 2015 at 10:43 PM
What Is A Flexible Job?
Flexible working is about maximizing freedom to work where and when it suits you.  We are all different.  Not all of us want to work a tradition...
Sat, 21 Feb, 2015 at 11:43 PM
Is There a Fee To Cross Promote on Multiple job sites?
No there is not. To maximise your exposure, when you post a new job on Lifestyle Careers, your job advertisement is automatically integrated with ma...
Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 at 8:34 PM
Provide you with access to a motivated group of job seekers who are looking to work flexibly and in less traditional ways.
Lifestyle Careers is an online recruitment job board.  Our niche and specific focus is the advertising of flexible employment and work at home positions...
Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 at 8:16 PM